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The history and health benefits of spirulina

Spirulina are blue-green algae that have been used since ancient times. These days, spirulina is used in many dietary supplements because of its health benefits. Studies and research have confirmed the various health benefits of spirulina. According to researcher Jacque Simpore from the University of Ouagadougou, spirulina can be a good nutritional supplement for Africa's malnourished children.

Experts like Simpore study about the history and health benefits of spirulina because they believe that these blue-green algae may be the answer to Africa's malnutrition crisis.

Where is spirulina found?

Spirulina is found in both salt water and fresh water in the wild. It is also commercially cultivated in African countries, France, China, India, Thailand, and the United States. Most dietary supplement manufacturers get their supply of spirulina from commercial spirulina farms.

4. aug, 2014